Why I Won't Be Making A New Years Resolution

On January 1st of every year, people go on and on about their New Year's Resolutions: going to the gym, drinking less, starting a new hobby, and so on. The phrase "new year, new me" gets thrown around carelessly because if we are being honest, New Years Day is not a fresh start. It's a Roman holiday that is celebrated with too much food, too much alcohol, and lots of basic b---- selfies. Not a clean slate.

New Years began in 45 B.C. It's a day that marks the start of the Julian calendar, simply because Julius Caesar decided the traditional Roman calendar was in dire need of reform. One guy decided that we would mark the start of a new year because he was tired of the old calendar. Making New Year's Resolutions originated from pagan religious traditions: The Babylonians made promises to their gods at the start of each year that they would return borrowed objects and pay their debts.

New Years Resolutions never stick around. People might go the gym for the first few weeks, and then life resumes its normal course and no one goes anymore. People may stop drinking for a while, but then they go to a party or a wedding and they're back on the wagon. They're casual, empty promises that people make so they can share on social media. It's a popular tradition that will outlive all of us.

I admit it: I have never kept a New Year's Resolution.

So this year I am committing to not making a New Years Resolution. Why? Because if I am going to commit to something of great importance, why wait until the New Year? Why not make promises to better yourself all year long, whether it's March or August?

Instead of wasting time trying to make a resolution this year, I am doing something a little different. To mark the end of one year and the start of the next, I am going to sit down and take stock of my life. Self-evaluation, if you will. See where I can make improvements, set goals for myself, and focus on my family. This might initiate some life changes, but they won't be made in vain - they'll be made out of necessity.

This New Year is really important to me. It's the year I get married, the year I am establishing my own LLC, the year I watch my family thrive and succeed, & the year Brian and I make some really big changes to our careers.

I want to be a better friend, great mom, a loving and supportive wife (only 19 days!).

I want to be focused & motivated.

I want to encourage others and a little less judgmental.

I want to drink more water and eat a little healthier to set a good example for Caroline.

This year we have so many things to look forward to, I don't want to be weighted down by careless resolutions, I want to focus on the things that really count and make 2018 our best year yet!

Wishing everyone a happy, healthy New Year!



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