Homemade Bazlama (Turkish Flatbread)

We go through phases when it comes to food we eat and recipes we love to make and try at home. With all this newfound time together at home (thanks COVID-19...), we have been catching up on our TV shows - most of them being food documentaries on Netflix. Our favorite, Ugly Delicious, featured Middle Eastern flavors and I got the itch to start whipping up some of my favorites.

One of them being a naan-style leavened bread - Bazlama. Naan originated in Persia (modern-day Iran) and is popular in India - all regions that meld flavors and share similar types of food. Each region uses different spices and ingredients that are native to their cooking styles, but have the same general principle. This is the Turkish version of naan - called Bazlama. It is traditionally cooked in an outdoor oven, but a hot stove top and cast iron skillet will do the trick.

Part of what makes this type of leavened bread so light and fluffy is the use of yogurt to make the dough instead of eggs or a heavier binder. It also gives it a distinct tangy taste.

How to Make Light and Fluffy Bazlama


2 1/4 tsp active dry yeast

3 3/4 cup flour, plus more for kneading

1 Tbsp salt

1 Tbsp sugar

3/4 cup Greek yogurt

2 Tbsp EVOO

1 1/4 cup warm water

1. In a medium-large bowl, combine warm water, yeast, and sugar. Let sit for about 10 minutes for the yeast to activate. It should by foamy.

2. Whisk in the Greek yogurt, EVOO, and salt until completely mixed.

3. Use a wooden spoon to fold in the flour until a dough has formed.

4. Roll out of bowl onto a silicone mat and knead. If the dough is very sticky, add more flour until manageable.

5. Separate dough into 10-12 parts, sprinkle with flour, and cover with a dish towel. Let sit for 15 minutes.

6. Heat a cast iron skillet on medium heat.

7. Roll the dough pieces into balls and form into a 7" circle. Brush with EVOO. Place EVOO side down in skillet and cook for about 2 minutes. Brush top with EVOO.

8. Flip and cook for an additional minute or two, until both sides are golden brown.

9. Stack to retain moisture and wrap in a clean dish towel to keep warm.

We served these with Middle Eastern chicken and rice, roasted garlic hummus, and the girls like to eat plain as a quick snack!

