Bumpdate: 37 Weeks
I spoke too soon in my last bumpdate... time is no longer flying by, but it feels like it's never. moved. slower. Now that I'm down to 21 days until my due date, it feels like time has stopped.
We still have lots to do before the baby comes, and with Christmas smack-dab in the middle of everything, I'm feeling incredibly underprepared and stressed. Part of me would like to go into labor tomorrow (the part that is constantly aching), but part of me wants Little Miss to wait until after the holidays so we can get through the chaos of Christmas and New Years first.
The last month has been a lot of fun despite it all - Thanksgiving, seeing family and friends, and topping it off with a huge shift in our schedule and routine! I'm blessed by it all - but boy, oh boy... I can't wait for an ounce of downtime. We spent Thanksgiving in Cambridge, MD with Brian's family and had a great stay at the Hyatt there (it's gorgeous - if you have the chance to stay there, do it!)
My mother-in-law and I took Caroline to see Sesame Street Live! and it was such a fun day. If anyone with toddlers hasn't seen it, I highly recommend it. It was only a 90 minute show, but that's the perfect time for a toddler's attention span and it does a great job at keeping the little ones engaged and entertained.
This last month was a month of "lasts" which made it fly by! I attended the Rachel Mulherin Holy Glam Holiday Soiree, which marks the last time I'm getting all dolled up for while! It was so good to see other local bloggers and to support one of my favorite female entrepreneurs. It also marked the last time we will go away as a family of three before adding our newest addition. AND... for the biggest news! It marked the last time I had to leave the house for work. That's right... I'm officially a stay-at-home mom. Hubs and I talked about it and as much as I like working, being home with 2 kids and dedicating my time to be with them now is most important. I'm not 100% done working - just keeping one client that is pretty low-key and incredibly understanding of my situation!
Baby Mahon is the size of...
Romaine Lettuce. Again, who thinks of these veggie/baby comparisons?! Baby is measuring at approximately 18.9 inches and 6.17lbs, which is already almost bigger than her sister (Caroline was 19in, 6.14lb - and 2 weeks late!). She doesn't have much more growing to do, and would be totally fine if she were born now! Wishful thinking!
Currently Feeling
DONE. SORE. TIRED. All the above! I think every mom can relate, but once you hit the 35 week mark, you are officially over it. Baby hiccups aren't cute anymore - it's slightly annoying. A jab to your rib cage isn't exciting - it's painful. And every other side effect/symptom of pregnancy is just the worst thing ever. My heartburn/indigestion/acid reflux has been at an all-time high to the point where Zantac doesn't even work. Cookies and milk even give me the worst indigestion/acid reflux. Because of this, I'm not sleeping and I toss and turn like a freaking rotisserie chicken.
Because Baby is measuring big, I have severe muscle stretching and it feels like constant indian-rug burn on the top of my stomach - right where my bra sits. It's excruciating pain and gets worse with each passing day. Unfortunately, there is nothing anyone can do, so I take some Tylenol and use ice packs as much as I can handle.
Currently Craving
Not much. The other night I really wanted a honey-baked ham or chicken salad, but I think I was just hungry! Because I have so many issues with indigestion and acid reflux right now, all food sounds pretty miserable. The ONLY thing I constantly want (but refuse, because talk about painful!), is a burrito bowl from Chipotle.
I am currently planning all my postpartum meals and have told family members to not bring casseroles - I want all the fixins' for cold cuts! Sandwiches are my favorite food for snack, lunch, dinner, you name it! And I hate that I can't just have a cold cut whenever I feel like it.
Currently Wearing
Anything loose and comfy... and all the sweaters. It's finally feeling like winter here and has been super cold lately, so I'm wearing all the baggy, loose sweaters for maximum comfort. Once in a while I'll throw on something a bit more fitted with my favorite cardigan, but if it's loose and feels kind of like I"m wearing PJs, I'm down. (Plus anytime I can get away with wearing a baggy sweater with just a bralette or a bandeau or anything with little support or material, I do that!).
These are my favorite wire-free bralettes and bandeaus right now:
Current Worries
In all honesty, I don't have any major worries right now. There are obviously little things that i would love to get done before Little Miss makes her grand entrance, but it's nothing crucial. Stuff like painting an accent wall in the nursery, hanging up a canopy over the crib (which she won't sleep in for the first few months anyway), and little things around the house. My hospital bag isn't totally packed, but all it would require is me throwing everything into a bag - it's all laid out in piles!